The Benefits Of Updated Calendars


“What are the benefits of keeping your calendar up-to-date?

  • More qualified inquiries. You'll get fewer inquiries for dates that you're already booked.
  • You'll look more credible and professional to travelers.
  • You'll appear higher in search results on many listing sites, such as HomeAway”

“Keep an updated calendar to:

  • Boost your property ranking on FlipKey and TripAdvisor.
  • Improve qualified inquiries with an updated availability calendar.
  • Increase your property’s visibility via the availability search feature.
  • Provide transparency and credibility to interested travelers.
  • Convert your personal website traffic into bookings.”

“Regular calendar updates influence where your listing appears in the search rankings.”


“The benefits of keeping your calendar up-to-date:

  • You'll appear on top of the list
  • Receive qualified inquiries
  • Confirm the freshness of your announcement
  • Enjoy even greater visibility”

“Frequent calendar updates are one of the key factors that influence your property's search ranking.”


“Why update your calendar ?:

  • Greater visibility – your accommodation will appear in date-specific search results
  • Greater profitability – your accommodation will be more visible and you will receive more booking requests
  • Greater credibility – potential customers will see that your advert is up to date”

“Make life easier for your potential guests:

  • Keep your calendar up to date, so they don’t waste your time enquiring about dates already booked
  • Most recently updated calendars will appear higher in date specific searches
  • Make a great first impression with accurate marketing content”

...and the list goes on. All the market leaders insist on the same point: Updated calendar brings you more bookings. People don't search for some generic information any more. They want specific, detailed and accurate data. Otherwise, they will go to the next rental, providing this.
But having all your data updated, is tedious and highly time consuming. Not to mention that you have to update your planning, website, portals' listings, partners and so on.

Not any more! help you manage all your bookings in one place. Updating only your BookingSync availability calendar, with the use of Synchronizers, automatically update everyone.
This way, you never mess up your availability and all your vacation rentals' listings are accurate.

Save time - Book more!