Offer to store your guests’ luggage in a local shop with LuggageHero


We are happy to introduce LuggageHero, the best way to securely store your guest’s luggage!

What is LuggageHero?

LuggageHero is an app that lets guests to securely store their luggage in the unused space of local businesses all around the world. It's an easy way to manage early check-ins - late check-outs and cleaning without a hassle. Travelers enjoy their first and last day without their luggage, having a great travel experience.

How LuggageHero can help your guests?

Security seal is provided at all LuggageHero locations

Luggagehero wants you to feel 100% comfortable by offering your guests a secure way to leave their personal belongings behind. That is why they created a LuggageHero Security Seal, which is used at all LuggageHero locations.

All luggage is insured against damage, loss, and theft

In collaboration with First Marine Insurance Ltd., cover holders for Lloyd’s of London, LuggageHero is able to insure each piece of luggage stored.

Only certified local shops approved by LuggageHero

Your guest’s safety and security is a priority. That’s why LuggageHero has local LuggageHero employees review all the shops in New York, London, Copenhagen, Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon, Boston, Montreal, Rome, Brussels, Nice, Paris, Amsterdam, Chicago, Miami, Venice, Porto, Berlin, Florence, Milan, San Francisco and Vienna +17 new cities coming during 2019-20.

How to get started with LuggageHero ?

Read our manual to know how to install and use the app.

Already a BookingSync customer? Install the LuggageHero App from our App Center right now and join our live webinar!

First register here, and then you’ll get by email the link to join the webinar (in English) on day 26th of September at 03pm CEST.